Header image for Davidson's Desk president's newsletter2022年7月8日


夏天来了! 伴随着温暖的天气, 我认为这是一个让皇冠官网网站所有人都认真地“脱离网络”或休假时间来反思和充电的季节. 每年夏天,我都会试着从日常生活中抽身出来,反思一下在我的个人生活和职业生活中,什么才是真正重要的.

Every year since I arrived at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in 2017, I have returned for the fall semester even more committed to our mission, 重新充电,准备抓住前方的机会(有时是挑战).

最近几周, as we approached Independence Day, 我发现自己在思考皇冠官网网站国家面临的无数挑战,并反思密歇根州立大学丹佛分校战略计划的第三支柱, which calls for us to be a “公民和经济催化剂.“鉴于皇冠官网网站的民主面临的各种威胁,皇冠官网网站每天都在新闻中看到,从最高法院的关键辩论到国会听证会,这一角色似乎比以往任何时候都更加重要, 对言论自由和学术自由的挑战,皇冠官网网站认为高等教育反映了整个国家普遍的政治两极分化.

As a political scientist and career public servant, I believe deeply in the value of our participatory democracy. 但在这样的时刻,我意识到皇冠官网网站不能把民主制度的力量视为理所当然. We must be active stewards of the processes that make our society work.

这就是为什么我对密歇根州立大学丹佛分校不断增长的公共服务项目如此热情. Our students have demonstrated their enthusiasm for civic engagement, 打破选民投票率的记录,并在大学与立法委员的接触中发挥关键作用. These activities are key to the strength of our diverse democracy.

今年夏天最让我兴奋的一件事是一群密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生正在做的事情,离校园600英里. 六名“路跑者”在国会代表那里享受带薪实习, government agencies and public service organizations in Washington, D.C.,皇冠官网网站的第一批 总统联邦实习生. 这些学生明白,皇冠官网网站有更多的Roadrunner学生和毕业生追求公共服务事业, the more our democracy will reflect the voices of our diverse nation.

I believe that public service provides the backbone for our participatory, inclusive and diverse democracy. 从2017年到2020年,我在国家军事、国家和公共服务委员会任职, the mission of which was to inspire more Americans to engage in public service. 随着 委员会的报告 观察:

美国继续是包容性代议制民主的激进实验, unique in the history of the world. 使它如此激进和与众不同的是它不断发展和扩大的公民社会,以及为其政治制度提供动力的开放和自由的话语. 在最好的情况下, 这些特点使美国能够应对或预防危机,并通过利用思想多样性的力量抓住机遇, 尊敬的辩论, and collaboration focused on a common purpose. But these strengths are not a given  without attention and care, they are at risk. 

皇冠官网网站委员会的研究中,皇冠官网网站发现近2400万美国人参加了某种形式的服务,以满足皇冠官网网站国家的需求, not just in the military or the federal government, 但是在教育方面, 卫生保健, 灾难应变及, 是的, 当选办公室. While those contributions are laudable, we live in a nation of some 330 million people, 在使皇冠官网网站国家繁荣的机构和组织中,需要谁的声音.

Federal agencies are facing a looming wave of retirements, which means there are immense opportunities for Roadrunner graduates to serve, promoting the strength of our country while charting exciting careers.

This brings me back to our exciting internship programs. 阻碍年轻人服务的传统障碍之一是机会——许多政府和非营利组织的实习机会是没有报酬的, 这意味着唯一能够抓住这些机会的人是那些有能力免费这样做的人.

没有报酬的工作机会只会让那些有钱有势的人获得重要的经验,从而获得有报酬的工作和更有声望的职位, creating a class of public servants who aren’t representative of all Americans. Luckily, this is changing as The White House just announced it will pay its interns for the first time. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校也在努力缩小这一差距,鼓励所有雇主向实习生支付工资,并在必要时通过诸如 学习与收获总统联邦实习生hip program.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校在华盛顿的带薪实习的目标是通过使公共部门多样化来加强皇冠官网网站的民主. Thanks to philanthropic contributions, 该计划包括住房和交通,并为皇冠官网网站的学生提供网络和指导机会. 皇冠官网网站的目标是在未来几年为更多的路跑者扩大这些机会.

这个月,皇冠官网网站纪念皇冠官网网站国家的建国,思考维护皇冠官网网站激进民主原则的挑战, I am very encouraged by the passion of our students. I can’t wait to hear from our federal interns at the end of the summer, 我期待着他们的故事能以各种方式激励更多的路跑者去服务.




Read more about the federal interns here or give to the internship fund here.


Colleges are waiving tuition for Native students. 下一个是你的机构吗?? (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
在过去的几个月, the University of California system, Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, the University of Minnesota system, 以及俄勒冈州都采取行动,免除绝大多数美国原住民学生的学费.

Colorado has had a shortage of cybersecurity professionals for years. Here's how that's going (Colorado Sun)
随着世界对网络保护的渴望日益增长,像密歇根州立大学丹佛分校这样的科罗拉多州学校已经加大了网络安全项目的力度. But it’s not just about a college degree.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 trustee Marissa Molina is one of more than 18,科罗拉多州有1000名移民通过DACA计划获得临时保护,免于被驱逐出境, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.



Davidson selected for Foreign Affairs Policy Board
Secretary of State Antony Blinken names Davidson to group focused on climate, health and other international issues.

校友杰夫·克洛斯卡(Jeff Kloska)执掌科罗拉多航空航天港,并将目光投向下一代航空航天旅行.

The Rundown: One World One Water Center



8月. 18, 2022 | 5-7 p.m.
Show your support at the official welcome event for new students. 届时将有食物、游戏、音乐,戴维森校长和密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友演讲. 请回复召集会议

9月. 15, 2022 | 2:30-3:30 p.m.
密歇根州立大学丹佛分校总法律顾问大卫·法恩将主持一个关于言论自由的小组讨论,其中包括科罗拉多州总检察长菲尔·威瑟, former Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, President Davidson and Communication Studies Chair Katia Campbell. Hosted in the Aerospace and Engineering Sciences Forum.


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